The nervous system is the major controlling, regulatory, and communicating system in the body. It is the centre of all mental activity including thought, learning, and memory. Our whole body governs through P (Psycho) – N (Neuro)-E (Endocrine)-I (Immuno) Axis. Together with the endocrine system; the nervous system is responsible for regulating and maintaining homeostasis. Through its receptors, the nervous system keeps us in touch with our environment, both external and internal. Like other systems in the body, the nervous system is composed of organs, principally the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and ganglia.
In today modern, overuse of computers and other gazettes, overstress, overexertion, to achieve many more things into a short span of life, leads to produce brain fag (weakness to the nervous system leads to produce weakness of body). It also leads to produce Vit B12 Deficiency. This is the most common problem that occurs now a day.
Disturbance in the nervous system leads to produces many problems like Migraine, Chronic Headache, Vertigo, Epileptic Convulsions, weakness of nerves, facial Palsy, Tics, Trembling of face, neck, hands, etc., Paralysis, Memory weak or loss (Dementia), Alzimer’s disease, sleepiness, numbness of the affected parts like hands and feet, peripheral neuropathy, loss of senses, difficulty in speech, etc.
Modern medicine can give you only palliative results in all these nervous system problems means you need to take for a lifetime. It has many side effects including loss of memory, weakness of body, trembling of the body, sleepiness, loss/increase in appetite, dribbling of salivation, obesity, disturbance in menses, etc.
Homoeopathy can offer you a simpler and long-lasting solution without any side effects in disorders related to the nervous system. As it directly acts on a root level. It restores the core disturbance.